

The model and photo contest will include the standard NMRA categories that you are used to seeing. Model Contest categories include:


Steam Locomotive

Diesel Locomotive and Other

Freight Car

Passenger Car






People’s Choice

Best of Show


Photo Contest categories include:

B&W Model

Color Model

B&W Prototype

Color Prototype


Pass Contest


In addition, we will include two special categories that the Turkey Creek Division has had fun with. These include a Square Footer category and a Business Card Challenge. These entries are limited to their respective sizes, with a standard business card being 2"x 3.5" cantilevers are allowed on both of these.


It is always helpful if you complete the entry forms ahead of the convention. All entries require the completion of the NMRA form #901. All model contest entries require completion of NMRA Form #902. Information about contest guidelines and rules can be found on the NMRA website.


Privately sponsored awards are encouraged... there is only one that we are aware of at this time. It is:


Narrow Gauge Light Iron Award - Awarded to the Mid-Continent Region Contest Model that Most Exemplifies the Spirit of Narrow Gauge Railroading


If you have comments on this page or content to contribute, please contact the region webmaster

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